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warm weather pet safety, summer pet safety tips, pet safety tips, pet care tips, summer pet care

Warm Weather Pet Safety

Most of us love enjoying the sunny, warm weather outdoors with our furry companions, but it’s important to recognize the risks associated with the warmer weather. Even days that may not seem hot to you, they’re hot for your pet and the humidity level can affect your pet as well.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common tips to keep in mind as we approach the summer months: 

Be Prepared

Whether you’re doing a road trip with your pet in tow or bringing them somewhere to swim and play, make sure your pets have unlimited access to clean, fresh water and shade. Also, ensure your travel plans are safe and accommodating for your pet and you have enough food and medications. We also recommend you have a plan to keep your pets safe in the event a summer storm causes a power outage.  

Do Your Research

It’s important that if you’re going to be enjoying the outdoors with your pet that you know the signs of heat stroke – some signs include excessive panting, increased heart and respiratory rate, excessive drooling, abnormal gum color, seizures, and vomiting.

Keep Them Comfortable

If it feels hot outside to you, it’s even hotter for your pet. Take your walks or hikes during the cooler hours of the day and avoid walking them on asphalt. When you are outside in the warmer weather, give them frequent breaks and bring enough water. Never leave your pet in a car, even in the shade or with the windows cracked.

Yard Safety

Make sure any plants around are safe for your pet and store any fertilizers and insecticides out of reach of your pets. Commonly used lawn care products are harmful to dogs and cats if ingested. Citronella candles and tiki torch products should also be kept out of reach.

Check For Ticks

We are at peak tick season, so always check your pets over for ticks after they’ve been outside. Your pet should also be on flea and tick protection in the event they do pick up ticks on their fur. Some tips to help protect your family from a tick bite include clearing outdoor play areas of brush and leaves and avoid allowing your pet to go into heavily wooded areas or long grasses.

As always, always talk to your veterinarian about any concerns or questions you may have. We’re always here to help!